mercredi 21 septembre 2016

6 steps in making a birthday drawing for Annika

1- Oh, I know, I'll make a comic about how we became friend with our daily 4pm sad-story-time.
2 - Wait, this comic is now just talking about how racist my great aunt was. Change of plans.
3 - I know, I'll draw us together, in the clothes we have on every pictures that make us look like we didn't change shirts for 2 years (green and red wool shirts).
4 - Shit, why did I choose to do that? Portraits are hard. I hope she doesn't hate it. I hope she sees it's made with love. I should have made a comic about how we were always stuffing our faces with chocolate every time Shelley came into our room. But that's not very glorious.
5 - Fuck that, I hate it. I can't draw myself. Annika doesn't look right neither, but I can't erase EVERYTHING. Or I could. But she wouldn't see the love.
6 - Well, it looks like it's gonna be Annika and a penguin instead.

Happy birthday Honey! I love you. I hope you don't hate this drawing too much. I really tried! 

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